Hey y’all. Whew!!! What started out in my head as a blog about food health has turned into a series that required me to look at all aspects of health. Spirit, soul and body. I only wanted to talk about the body. I did not want to deal with all of the spiritual and soul issues that arose while writing this blog. I did not want everybody to know my business. I was still worried about what people would think reading my story. Geez, I have even questioned whether or not I have a story worth telling. Who’s gonna care?
I grew up in a family that had secrets. Lots of secrets. You did not talk about what went on at home. We were told that what happens at home stays at home. It was never to be discussed with the outside world.
This is what strengthened my orphan spirit. I have shared what that is but will share again here just in case. An orphan spirit is the belief that you are all alone. You have to do all the things, protection, provision, caring for, for yourself and by yourself. Nobody is trustworthy. Nobody is real. Nobody is honest. And the hardest to bear as a child, nobody cares.
A little God talk today. Sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God. You see I love God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I love that He loves me. I have on my bathroom mirror a post-it note with the words, “God exists” on it. I have to be reminded sometimes. My orphan spirit appears out of the blue sometimes and I am overwhelmed with fear and doubt. I had a hard time believing God never changes in character because all the people I know, including me, do. He changes how He works, but never who He is. I know I can trust this. I just sometimes forget.
So, the orphan spirit is something we are all born with. It has to do with our separation from God. The separation that happened in the garden of Eden and the redemption from that separation that Jesus provided as the Lamb slain before the foundation of the earth (Revelation 13:8). And what does this have to do with food health? Good question. It takes into account what I shared on Wednesday about there being three parts and all the parts intertwined. If you only work on the food (body) health and leave the other two areas alone, the healing and freedom you are looking for will stay elusive.
I am not a trained Bible teacher. I do know how to hear God. I hear Him often these days. He is speaking to my spirit. He is showing me how my orphan spirit affects my body even more than the food I eat. The fear and doubt and abandonment I have lived with have kept my body in full on protection mode 24/7. This led to a break down of my body’s natural systems. Add in the wonderful food I tended to eat, and you have a recipe for broke down body. That is why I wanted to share my food health story. Because in the beginning I thought that was the problem. The food I was eating. Turns out, it was the way God used to take me to the orphan spirit side of the problem. The really interesting thing for me is He used the writing of this blog to do that.
In John 5:6 Jesus asks an infirmed man, “Do you want to be made well?” Now think about that question. Add the information the Bible gives us; he’s been that way for 38 years, he’s lying by the pool of Bethesda which had healing powers, and He tells Jesus he has no one to help him in. Fast forward to 2022 and me, Delisa. Jesus has been asking me for years if I want to be made well. Like the man by the pool, I have answered with an excuse rather then the real answer. Yes! Yes! Yes, I want to be made well. What I did not know is that, like the man, I had a picture in my head of how that would happen. And just like Jesus did with the man, He commanded me to do something I believed I was unable to do. So, I stayed in my prison, still wishing for freedom. The man on the other hand got up and walked away.
Luke 19:10 says, “…for the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” That’s me. I was lost in my orphan spirit with no where to go, no one to turn to and Jesus came for me. A shepherd knows where to find His sheep. He knows where you are. Always has. Always will.
And so I close this blog with a thought, a question, and some unsolicited advice. Jesus knows you. Do you want to be made well? Trust in the One who came to seek and save that which was lost.
Okay, bye for now.
Delisa (with Carr)