The Conversation begins with the Journey

The Conversation begins with the Journey

We are ordinary people who speak with a bit of sass, wit, and honesty. Snappy, if you will.  Our journey has taken us from the halls of religious institutionalism to the freedom the Father intended from the beginning.  So why the name Snappy Bitch? Glad you asked.

In 2019, we were on a vacation with our friends David and Treasa in Colorado.  As with most folks traveling, we were chatting while driving and the topic was the healing effects of being in the mountains and how awesome it would be to have a place in the mountains to offer healing to the wounded.

I, Delisa, had been on a journey of healing for a while, working to overcome the childhood trauma I experienced.  One of the ways I dealt with my trauma was talking snappy and, yes, sometimes even acting like an outright bitch (in the sense that most folks consider the word today).  The discussion turned to some of my more outlandish snappy statements when David suggested I start putting them on T-shirts and selling them.  From a rebuttal I had made to an earlier part of the discussion when I identified as a "Snappy Bitch", he suggested I name the company that.

Of course, my prudish, follow the rules persona was against it.  What would people think?  THAT word was not a nice word.  I could not, in good conscience, have a company selling to the public, nor could I wear something that had THAT word on it.  Part of my defense mechanism from the trauma was making sure people are not offended and that people liked me.  I was sure that THAT word would bring a whole new level of trauma if I was running a company using THAT word as part of the company name.

So fast forward three years.  Three years that brought more healing to my wounded spirit and soul.  A time where I came to hear and understand the Father's voice as spoken through the Holy Spirit.  I asked God over and over if I was really hearing correctly.  The God I knew would never use THAT kind of language.  Then I remembered a moment about fifteen years ago when I had asked God a question and He had answered with, "Duh."  That threw me.  All of the counsel I received from the religious said that God did not speak like that.  My husband, Carr, looked at me and asked point blank, "why not?"  It was the first time anyone had ever taken God out of the religious "box" and made Him real and personal.  It was the beginning of the journey that has brought me to this point, Snappy Bitch.

So, part of stepping out of my comfort zone to start this company, with THAT word in the name was a big deal.  Snappy Bitch is a company that is focused on getting God out of the religious box. He has no bounds, so why do we try to bind Him using His own words from scripture to fit Him into what we think is right and good?  The religious institution has developed a standard that only lets one believe they are okay with God when they follow all the rules.  Yet Jesus, in Matthew 5, 6, & 7 spends a long time laying out why following the letter of the law does not connect you to the Father.  Paul does the same thing in the book of Romans, chapters 3-8.  There is more to this part of the story, but it will be told as we grow.

For today, we are building a company that goes off the religious grid.  It is a for-profit company, because we do not want to be another "ministry."  Our goal is to do ministry out of the company, thereby doing ministry as a verb rather than a noun that has to raise funds.  The goal is not big profits, though our prayer is abundance that we may offer a life of freedom to be that which God has purposed each of us to be.

So, off we go.  We hope you will join us on this journey as we embark upon our vision and mission of offering a life of freedom through hope, help, and encouragement.

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1 comment

Delisa as your childhood friend, I cannot begin to tell you how proud and amazed I am of you .
Reading your journey/testimony has truly touched my heart.
And even though we haven’t seen each other in so many years, I feel closer to you than ever. It brought me back to the time in my life your friendship blessed me in more ways then you could ever imagine . I wish we lived closer♥️

Mary Morris

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