Trust II

Trust II

Hey y’all.  Still tired.  Still feel weak.  I wanted to bring something really impressive today.  Not gonna happen.  My head is foggy, and my thinker has gone on holiday.  I’m going to let Carr have this one.

Hello.  I do not have a catchy intro phrase.  I lack a little of the cool that Delisa has.

Let me pick up a little bit where Delisa was yesterday.  Trust.  This issue is really at the forefront of our world.  I mean, who do you really trust?  I crack up at all the irritation about having your receipt checked at Walmart when you use self-checkout.  Really?  Sam’s and Costco do the same thing and I don’t hear anybody griping about that.  Do we really believe that everybody is as honest as us?  Are we really offended that somebody would dare to question our honesty?  Or is it just that we do not want to be questioned by anybody?

Let me get back to trust and how much impact it has on our lives.  If you grew up in a house where all was well, you may have an easier time with trust.  If you grew up in a house where things were not well, divorce, alcoholism, abuse, hunger, homelessness, you may have a much rougher time with trust.  And people, good golly, people.  They fail us, we fail them.  Hard to trust with that much failure.

A hard spot for most of us is trusting God.  We all build this “picture” of God and who He is.  But we build it from a standpoint of not being able to trust.  If we can’t trust the people we see, how are we supposed to trust God whom we can’t see.  After all, He didn’t protect us from all the stuff that happened to us.  He did not kick the butts of those who hurt us.  How can we trust Him?

The hardest thing I’ve every done is trust a person (God) that I could not see.  The Bible calls it faith.  It is the evidence of things not seen.  Then I have to deal with the whole, did I hear Him right on that issue or this issue?  My constant question when things go sideways.  And things go sideways.  With people, with work, with God.  Even with all that, I still find Him to be everything the Bible says He is.  Righteous.  Faithful.  Just.  Trustworthy.  Above all, loving.  It is a love that I have learned to trust.  It is not a love that is dependent on what I do or don’t do.  It is a love that is dependent on who He is.  And He is amazing.  He loves me in spite of my sin and failure.  In fact, when I let Him, He loves me through the sin or failure.

If trust is your one of your issues, check to see how much control you need to have to feel secure.  It will open the door to all that holds you back.  It will bring to light the castle you have built to protect yourself.  Remember, He created everything you see and even somethings you don’t see.  Nothing surprises Him.  NOTHING!

We are heading towards Christmas.  The celebration of the greatest gift ever given.  A gift planned before the foundation of the world.  He is love.  Unconditional and true love.


Carr (with Delisa)

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