The Snappy Bitch Snappy Collection

We sell merchandise that creates conversations that we need to have

  • Vision Statement

    Sell merchandise with sayings that illuminate the castle of
    lies we’ve built to protect ourselves, speaking what is considered impolite to
    speak, but sometimes needs to be spoken to open the door to the freedom we
    want, but do not believe exist.

  • Mission Statement

    Through sales and profits create content to offer hope, help
    and freedom to our customers and employees by opening the door of freedom
    through offensive verbiage that allows for the discussions that are hard to
    have, but need to be started.

  • About Us

    Carr and I have been married for 32 years. We live in Texas on a small ranch. We both love Jesus and know that freedom from trauma is available, just not on our terms. We seek to be a reflection of the Father, though our wounds sometimes prevent that. This is our journey.

  • Connect with Us

    This box is temporary and will change. Why, because we are learning how to be an online store and we have no experience. That said, our Facebook and Instagram pages will be under the names, "Conversation Begins" (Facebook) and "Conversation_Begins" (Instagram). When we figure out how to link them to this site, we will do that.